Dog Parkour

Here at Hiddy Tykes I instruct and train dog parkour to fit with the titles offered by the International Dog Parkour Association and this gives you the option to work through the parkour behaviours for fun or to gain titles. You can find lots of information on their website

So you may be wondering what dog parkour is?

According to the IDPA, “dog parkour is an activity based on the same principles as human parkour”. These activities include climbing, balancing, jumping, running, vaulting, creativity and setting physical challenges. It’s fun for the dog and handler, learning together to interact with their environment. It is non-competitive and is conducted under a set of rules designed to keep the dog safe. These rules can be read here. These rules also cover obstacles and videos for titles.

It helps build a bond between handler and dog, as well as the human parkour values of building the foundations of confidence, and taking a journey together. It is ALWAYS the dogs' choice to perform the behaviour.

Why not come along and give it a go? After the initial Introductory sessions there are three options, but be warned, just like mantrailing, it can become addictive!


There are two x 2-hr mandatory Introductory sessions.

1st Session covers: measuring the dog, spotting and rules plus training on how to teach your dog the following:

  • 4 feet on

  • 2 feet on

  • Under

  • Through

  • In

2nd Session covers three obstacle sequence, creativity and videoing plus training on how to teach your dog the following:

  • Over

  • Around

  • Moving obstacle

  • Balance

  • Back up

You can then either enjoy taking part just for fun or work towards the titles. The group sessions can be used as fun classes plus you can change options at any time.

  • Solo

    After the introductory sessions and using my guides and videos along with the IDPA website, you can work your way through the behaviours and collate the required videos for each behaviour and submit to the IDPA website.

    Alternatively, I can arrange for an examiner to come over when you satisfy me you can cover all the behaviours successfully.

  • Parkour


    After the introductory sessions and using my guides and videos along with the IDPA website, you can work your way through the behaviours by booking 1:1 sessions monthly to review your progress, deal with any issues.

    I will video successful behaviours so you can start to build your video collection ready for you to submit to the IDPA or for an examiner to attend.

  • Group Meet-ups

    After the introductory sessions we will meet up as a group every three weeks at different venues, choosing three behaviours to work on individually so we can share success, problems and achievements.

    I will video successful behaviours so you can start to build up your video collection ready for you to submit to the IDOA or for an examiner to attend.